Saturday, March 21, 2009

Prima Ballerina

Lately, Deanna has shown a profound interest in dancing, so we thought we would sign her up for ballet/tap classes. Last Monday was was her first class. She picked out her leotard by herself and was so excited to go to dance class. The pictures below are the pictures I took of her before we left the house. As you can see, she was already practicing her moves. At the class, the parents have to wait in the waiting room and watch through a glass window. I was laughing and smiling the entire time because Deanna was having such a blast. They practiced half an hour of ballet and the other half an hour was tap dance. You should have seen her face light up when she realized her dance shoes made noise when she moved! It was awesome. She has been talking about it all week.

Our little Ping Pong Champion

Last weekend we went to a birthday party at our friend's house and Deanna had an awesome time eating cotton candy, playing in the bounce house, and trying out ping pong for the first time. At first the kids gathered around the table not really knowing how to play, but after a quick lesson from Jamie (see below) the kids got the hang of it and had a great time playing. I guess if this whole lawyer thing doesn't work out, Jamie can always be a ping pong instructor!

Making Lasagna with Grandpa

Deanna had the opportunity to make lasagna from scratch with her grandpa and grandma last Sunday. She had such a blast mixing the flour and rolling out the noodles, not to mention taking
a few breaks to make funny faces with grandpa. A week later, we are still working on finishing up the lasagna!

Hanging with the Petersons