Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Miami Children's Museum

We went down to Miami to visit my family last week and we decided to take Deanna to the Miami Children's Museum.  Since Braden was born, we have been trying to juggle time with both of them and wanted this to be her special day with all of our attention devoted to her.  This was a really neat place to visit.  Deanna had the chance to be a firefighter, record her own music, pretend to be a doctor, star in a workout video, work on some arts and crafts, and then play around in the gallery.
Deanna had the chance to be a firefighter! She got to try on all of the gear and even drive the truck.  The truck was neat because it had a screen inside that simulated the truck driving through real traffic for a call. Not to mention the horn, of course that was a hit with the kids.
Here is that workout video that I mentioned earlier!!