Sunday, October 22, 2006

Deanna's Birthday Party

We had a party at Gemini Springs for Deanna's first birthday. It was a joint party with some friends who had a daughter (Jillian) who was born 2 days before Deanna. We were hoping that the weather would have been 10 degrees cooler, but other than that it was a beautiful day. We had some great food, great company, and plenty of kids running around having a good time. Deanna enjoyed herself, but became a little overwhelmed with everything going on. I am sure that she will smile when I sit down with her in future and show her the pictures of the cool party she had when she turned one. Thank you again to everyone that came to celebrate Deanna's first year with us. It really meant a lot to us that you came. (For more pictures of Deanna's party, check out the flickr badge on the side bar ) Image Hosted by ImageShack.usImage Hosted by Image Hosted by