We created this blog so that our friends and family can watch our family grow and change from month to month. Every day brings on something new and we wanted to share every moment with you! The most recent entries start at the top.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Standing Up All By Myself!
Yes, it is true! Today (7-16-06), Deanna pulled herself up to a standing position with no help! Jamie and I were on the floor counting some money from a garage sale we had and Deanna was playing in her crib when all of a sudden she was peeking over and looking at us (see pics below). At first I thought she was on her knees (she had been pulling herself to her knees for a little while now), but then I realized that she was way to tall to be on her knees. Jamie and I clapped and cheered as the dogs barked because they didn't understand all the comotion. She did this a few more times before she got tired. Needless to say, we lowered the mattress on her crib so that she couldn't be adventurous and try to "let herself" out of bed.