Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Deanna Spending Quality Time With Her Baby Brother

Braden's 2 Week Appointment

Last Thursday, May 21st was Braden's 2 week birthday! He had his 2 week appointment and weighed in at 8 lbs and 21 1/2 inches.  He is growing everyday.  There are already a couple newborn outfits that he has grown out of.  We are all adjusting really well.  He sleeps like a dream.  After his 11:00 PM feeding, he usually only wakes up once either at 3 or 4 AM and then sleeps until 7 or 8AM.  Deanna is starting to be very helpful with Braden.  She helps me change diapers and bathe him.  At first, she wasn't quite sure what to think, but I think she is starting to warm up to him because she realizes that we are not taking him back!! :)

Sunday, May 10, 2009

More Braden!

We think that Braden looks just like Deanna! Take a look at the similarities in the baby pictures!

Deanna Meets her Little Brother

Deanna was excited to meet her little brother.  We let Deanna take the wheel when she was meeting him and allowed her to take things at her own pace and when she was ready, she held him and gave him kisses.  She even got upset when the nurses would come and take him away to take his vital signs and would say, "Hey, where are they taking my baby?"


Braden was born on May 7, 2009 at 9:58 PM.  He was 7 lbs and 2 oz and was 21 inches long.  We are so happy that he is finally here and are finally starting to settle down at home.  So far, he has been such a good baby -- sleeping well -- and quite the snuggler!